Verbena stricta, Hoary Vervain

Wild Senna in late July

Blue Indigo in full bloom  

A nice place to sit and watch nature

Coreopsis lanceolata

Monarch on a Rose Milkweed.

Vernonia fasciculata, Common Ironweed plant. The nectar of the flowers attracts many different butterflies along with various bees.              

Sept 2022 Woodland Garden

Common Violet in spring

Prairie Dropseed with Bush's Coneflower 

Eryngium yuccifolium, Rattlesnake Master

Carex grayi in early November

May 2019 early stages of our woodland garden

Bees collecting pollen on a Stiff Goldenrod

Partridge Pea, Wild Quinine and Wild Bergamot 

Zizia aurea, Golden Alexander in early May

Liatris ligulistylis and Rudbeckia fulgida

Monarch on a Common Milkweed

Hill top bed in late summer

Wild Bergamot late July

Glade Mallow in Prairie

New Jersey Tea in full bloom

Solidago speciosa, Showy Goldenrod in fall

Gazebol in summer.  A great place to sit and relax

Monarch Caterpillar enjoying a Common Milkweed

Ohio Spiderwort blooming in Prairie 

Blue Flag Iris early June

Geranium maculatum, Wild Geranium

Shining Blue Star in late May

​Native to Central United States